We Leave with Nothing but Love

March 14, 2010, 1:39 am
Filed under: Crochet, Living, Music, Uncategorized

Thanks to Andrea, I am left speechless by this beauty:

Actually I have found a new spot to promote the creative genius of crochet: ravelry.com

My account name on the site is shareshare (just like on etsy.com)

I found this pattern for a hat that I made for my roommate’s mom, who always takes good care of us! I used blue Caron One Lb. yarn, and followed this pattern: Divine hat. My laptop’s webcam is such bad quality, but here is how mine turned out! And included are two other scarves I’ve been working on.

The Art That Ends This Work Week
March 5, 2010, 10:35 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I find myself exhausted, blinded by lack of accomplishment, and highly inspired by this work of art.

Working on the mind’s response to imaginative literature as a topic for my Torrey term paper this semester. Primary author sources: C.S. Lewis, Plato, and Lois Lowry, and Dostoevsky. Probably a few more too.

Here is Ok Go’s “This Too Shall Pass”: